Spring Parent Learning Series- May 25th
Parent Learning Series
“Guardianship- All you need to know”
Thursday, May 25th 2023 from 6:00-7:30pm
- It is easy to overlook or misunderstand when a guardianship or conservatorship is necessary and one of the biggest concerns parents have is who will take over as guardian or conservator of one’s child when both parents are deceased. This workshop will walk through the guardianship and conservatorship process from when one should be started to the court proceedings involved to how someone will take over when parents or other caretakers are no long able to do so.
- Presented by Timothy B. Gulbranson from Lane & Waterman LLP
- Join in-person or virtually
To register, please contact Sue Gadient:
gadients@arcqca.org | (309) 786-6474